Wednesday, May 16, 2012

How to play APS Pump!

I’m now officially moved to Orlando and will try to update this blog everyday (but so far is more like once a week.. lol). I tweeted about $GWBU yesterday but didn’t write a blog about it because the internet was down. We all knew that $GWBU is a pump by AwesomePennyStocks but this is not a typical pump that they normally did with brand new stock with very little trading history and with a lot lower price. They started this around $1.35-$1.45 yesterday and so far the price action is a bit ahead of itself. Might get washout on Friday and drop some news over the weekend to keep the stock up. My take on this is that they will probably push this over $2 for sure over the next week otherwise their next one won’t move. If you haven’t followed @michiganwar on twitter please feel free to do so. War is really good with Penny Stocks and promoted stocks. Follow and see his action alert by yourself!
Okay, back to $GWBU. I believe that I got in just a bit before AwesomePenny hit my inbox just because I saw big bid support and WDCO is a MM on it.  As you can see from the first picture that there are 1mil shares on the bid at $1.31 and that’s the reason I hit the ask at $1.34. Then the stock moved a bit to $1.36 and WDCO moved the bid support up to $1.34 with 250k shares (2nd pic). Couple minutes later I saw email from APS in my inbox and “game on”!. We all knew that PennyStocksGains, PennyStocksUniverse, PennyStocks123 and etc are the same owner as APS, BUT when I play this kind of stocks I always looking for 1.) WDCO is supporting the bid with large amount of shares like 500k or 1mil or 2.) wait for official APS email.
This morning I sold half of my position at $1.59 (for +.25gain) and also bought some more shares of $GWBU at $1.46 because I saw the big bit at $1.44 and $1.42 but I didn’t buy it right away when I saw the bid. I WAITED for more than an hour to make sure they won’t pull the bid on me. So you can see from the third picture that there is a side way price action for more than an hour around $1.42-$1.45. After a while I decided to hit the ASK at $1.46 (got filled $1.455) and wait for “late day ripper” which APS always done it with their previous stocks. My plan was 1) Hold that position o/n IF they rip it back on green or 2) sell them for a tiny profit just before market close IF it looks like it’s going to close red. However, I still have a small position from $1.34 that I’m willing to hold and set my hard stop at $1.40.
Ended up the day sold all position from $1.455 at $1.51 for small profit (Good enough for 30min of working). One thing I can see on the last 5min of trading that there were huge selling pressure coming in (I think mostly are from those who didn’t like the price action at the end and that it couldn’t push green into close) but WDCO absorbed all those shares and keep the price above $1.51(Last pic 7.53mil volume on last 5min of trading). They need to come up with more news on tonight’s email to keep this kid alive. I’m happy the way I traded this stock, so far took about 20% profit and have tiny position going into tomorrow. Probably holding over the weekend because I know that they will drop some big news this weekend. (If my $1.40s stop doesn’t get hit).