Thursday, May 3, 2012

Lesson 2, Anatomy of E-Trade Pro (Order Entry)

I have talked about different ‘Online Brokers’ on the last article. After you have chosen a broker that suit your need, and opened the account with them. Now you have to learn to use their trading platform. Some are web-bases and some are desktop programs. Different platforms have different gadgets and useful tools but the basic of trading should be the same. First of all you have to get familiarize with them. So, today I’m going to go through some of the basic tools and features on Etrade Pro. Please note that E-trade also has a complete tutorial on it HERE, but information on this blog will be more detail, step by step with some comments/tips base on personal experiences.

To get an Etrade Pro, go to their website and sign in on the top right of the page. You will see on the right sidebar under “Launch Platforms” click launch and this should install/add an E-Trade icon on your computer desktop and you can access from there in the future. If you don’t see “E-Trade Pro” on the sidebar, go to Accounts>subscriptions then you will see that they offer it for $99/quarter. However, don’t subscribe for it yet, instead call a customer service and tell them that you would like to use an E-Trade pro and you WILL do more than 30 trades/quarter. They should give you free access to it without a problem, then you just have to maintain 30 trades/quarter to be eligible for free subscription ;) 

The reason I like about E-trade Pro is that it’s free (with 30 trades/quarter) and you don’t have to pay extra for level 2 (will explain this later if you don’t know what it means). After launching the program you will see that they have some pre-set program for you on the first page such as graphing, watch list, news and etc. You can use that setting or do your own setup.
Now we are going to look at some basic tools that beginners really need to know, and I’ll try to explain it in detail and as simple as I can. PS. All the tools are on the top section of the platform and those tools that are essential for beginners are: Order Entry, Order Status, Accounts, and Chart.

Order Entry. The most important tool in trading! Without this you can’t buy/sell stocks. So in this window you will see:

Symbol: This is a short abbreviation used to identify a company. Eg. Facebook: FB, Google: GOOG, Research in motion: RIMM, Yahoo: YHOO and etc. You can lookup for symbols HERE. PS. Just put company’s name in the box under ‘home’ button.

Last: Represent last price the stock traded

Bid: Represent buyers

Ask or Offer: Represent sellers

Vol: Number of shares that have traded today

Quantity: Number of shares you wanted to buy/sell (You can use shares calculator by clicking on the $ symbol next to it).

Price Type: There are many options here but (for beginners) all you need to know are ‘Limit’ and ‘Market’ orders.

Limit order: Put a fix price on how much you willing to buy/sell a particular stock.

Market: This will execute a buy/sell order by using market order. (eg. Buy on the ask and sell on the bid)

Price: If limit order is used, you must enter a price you willing to buy/sell.

Term: All you need to know are DAY and GTC. DAY: Your order will be expired at the end of the day if it didn’t get executed. GTC: Good till cancel, your order will remain in the system until it gets executed or you have to cancel it.

Destination: Always use AUTO. ARCA is for pre/post market trading.

AON: Check this box if you have an order of more than 300 shares and you wish to buy/sell in block such as 1,000 or 5,000 shares. Sometimes if a stock is moving too fast and AON is not checked, you might get filled only 50 shares instead of 5,000. PS. I never had any problem with my orders and never use this feature.

Buy: Buy X amount of shares that you put in quantity box

Sell: Sell X amount of shares that you put in quantity box

*You don’t have to worry about SHORT and COVER buttons yet. This will be covered in a different lesson.